Your Choice of the “Day” Truffle $5.00 Choose a Day: Partridge in a Pear Tree - Day 1 Turtle Doves - Day 2 French Hens - Day 3 Calling Birds - Day 4 Golden Rings - Day 5 Geese a-Laying - Day 6 Swans a-Swimming - Day 7 Maids a-Milking - Day 8 Ladies Dancing - Day 9 Lords a-Leaping - Day 10 Pipers Piping - Day 11 Drummers Drumming - Day 12 Chocolate Type: Milk - 14-1Du-01 Semi-Sweet - 14-1Du-02 Bittersweet - 14-1Du-03 Your Choice of the “Day” Truffle in Milk, Semi-Sweet, or Bittersweet Chocolate.